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Ed Galleto
Home Blend - Radiation
This flavor has excited me, I gotta choose between Radiation (Milky Melon Breeze) and Caution(Lychee Smoothie) so I chose Radiation for...
The Contajuice Eliquid experience
This is something you gotta love. Pronounced as "Contagious", the Contajuice e-liquid is a new brand of e-juice in the market. I bought...
The Milkman E-Juice
I have been eyeing on this for quite some time now and finally I got one. The Milkman e-juice is a milk flavored e-juice made from the...
Kangertech Subox Mini @ Venice Piazza
A lot of people wondered if it's possible to put a RDTA/RDA on a Kangertech Subox Mini. well I would say it is. Here's my setup of a...
Subox Mini set with Lite E-juice and Premium Blend
The place was just right, and the situation calls for it. We where having a vacation out in Tagaytay and I can't help but take a picture...
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