It was almost December and people are itching to go out. The team at the office have finally decided to get it all out and wine outside the City. So it was decided... Puerto Galera.

I was just new in the office and wasn't really a travel junkie, hesitant of taking this the team helped me out with finance and leaves. My girlfriend supported me with this one too. Feeling a bit hesitant still, I joined the company team building which turned out to be a blast.

As far as I can remember, we rode a bus going to a Pier for a boat bound for Mindoro, this will head straight to White Beach, Mindoro, where Puerto Galera is. Well, there's always a first time for everything. We arrived early in the morning. First thing we do is fix our things while others sleep since they went ahead of us by a few hours.

getting inked (Henna) with Eddie, Faye and Boss Kelbin

Looks like we've all got excited that day, the first thing we tried was getting a Henna Tattoo. I get to know a local who sells some souvenirs, I was asking around and found out he's from Davao. So I ask if I can get a discount, he agreed since there's many of us would want one, and so we did.